Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Happy Birthday, Streckfus + an updated word count.

Happy Birthday, Streckfus
September 30, 1924

Progress on my book...

Word count: 49,000+
2 dead
1 baffled lieutenant
1 insightful detective
1 snooping writer
1 GARBC pastor
1 Catholic priest

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

43,168 words and a link and memory

This is really something (use headphones if you can):

I remember visiting the National Air and Space Museum in the Smithsonian and watching Dad stand still for a number of moments, his hands in his pockets, while he looked up in awe of Lindbergh's Spirit of Saint Louis hanging from the ceiling.

I didn't visit the Kennedy Space Center until I was an adult, in fact, only a few years ago, and I remember standing in awe of an entire Saturn V rocket hanging from the ceiling. (For those that don't know, that's the rocket that put men on the moon).

I will never be able to describe the utter humility and privilege I felt at that moment.

The greatest heroes are born in the minds of children, and so they are big and kind and simple as only children can make them.
