Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I've discovered (realized) a pattern in conservative criticism of liberals - it's often speculative and posits future behavior based on a scenario in which past behavior is layered over current events; we see this all the time, but it's usually associated with spouses, parents, children, authorities, etc, where one person assumes something (usually bad) about another person because that person has lied or stolen or bullied consistently in the past.

It is almost always discouraged in reference to large groups, because it is then usually stereotyping and there is a general sense that this is unfair.

I most recently heard this type of stereotyping this morning during Rush's morning update (through which I must suffer to get local weather and traffic); he was remarking why liberals, in response to the actions in Libya, weren't smearing themselves with fake blood and carrying signs painted with 'no blood for oil' messages etc.

I can only presume that since he had nothing of value to say about the subject, he simply criticized an entire group for something they didn't do at an event that hasn't happened; apparently anachronism doesn't get in the way of good ol' fashioned name calling.

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