Sunday, April 8, 2012

Why didn't I capitalize "be" in "Disconnected Enough to be Better" ?

c0 Sentence CaseThis is the post I'm referring to: "Disconnected Enough to be Better"

Sometimes I use sentence case, sometimes title case, and sometimes I do things like not capitalize a small word that looks strange capitalized.

There are good reasons for rules, and good reasons for bending them. Some folks like bending them because they know that at that moment, and likely many other similar moments (though perhaps not), and for reasons that few understand (or might), it's just the right thing to do, and usually no one but the grammar Nazis will notice anyway, and they don't count.

You have to trust the rule benders who know the rules because they create something beautiful (or challenging or perspicacious or motivating) by bending them.

And there is certainly a new rule being created in that moment that you'll find repeated again in similar contexts by the same writer, though he’s working from an internalized rule set that isn't often formalized elsewhere.

What's the new rule in this case?

I might word it this way:

Verbs are usually capitalized in sentence case. However, when a short verb like "be" occurs next to a word that is generally not capitalized, both may be shown in lower case.

The reverse is also true. Consider, for example: Sign Up for Our Email. "Up" would normally be lower case, but it is so strongly associated with "Sign" that not capitalizing it may slow down the reader.

Good writers know this instinctively.

c0 Jesus and Mary outside the tombYou can't have a rule for everything. That's why God made writers.

Rite Aid wished me a "blessed Easter" yesterday.

Good for them.

And a blessed Easter to you.[1]

I attended a Good Friday service with some very good people. I was struck by how anachronistic and potentially obnoxious modern celebrations of Easter have become. It was joyous, but nearly deafening. Suitable for Sunday (maybe; I understand the sentiment), but not on the day we mark Christ's death. That demands some quiet reflection. If you can't give it that, there is a problem.

I fully expect disagreement. I will never convince anyone that disagrees with me on this point that they should change their mind. I wouldn't want to change your mind, as I wouldn't want you to change mine. Just bear in mind that there are those that can't worship this way, and are not only confused by it, but offended.

Started: 2012-04-4

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