Saturday, April 5, 2014

Miracles on the Sabbath (Sometimes what’s missing is just as interesting as what’s there.)

c0 Televangelist Benny Hinn 'slaying in the spirit'.
Televangelist Benny Hinn 'slaying in the spirit'.
Jesus was reportedly accused of working miracles on the Sabbath (eg Mark 3:1-6, Luke 13:10-17).

It occurred to me only recently that if someone truly healed someone, on the Sabbath or any other day, wouldn't the natural response be utter astonishment? "He what?"

A couple thoughts:

1. The Pharisees may not have actually seen Jesus do anything, or believed that he did; they heard others talk about it and simply added it to their list of what they didn't like about him.

2. Perhaps miracles (or the reports of miracles) were common enough that Jesus' miracles were believable unseen.

3. Or perhaps the Pharisees treated it much like we treat Benny Hinn - ie, they considered it unpreventable nonsense that deludes people desperate for meaning.

Sometimes what’s missing is just as interesting as what’s there.

With the few minutes I have in the evening, I’m trying to squeeze in The Jesus Discovery: The Resurrection Tomb that Reveals the Birth of Christianity, by James D Tabor and Simcha Jacobovici; I’m reading it for its archaeological insight into first century funerary practices in Jerusalem.

More on that tomorrow.



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