Wednesday, June 11, 2014

When you can afford to conceal your moral failings.

c0 A couple editorial cartoons that address political hypocrisy and moral standardsI think I just realized why otherwise progressive leaders don't eagerly sign off on all sorts of libertine causes like pornography, drug use, polygamy, etc, which have no secular reason to be discouraged except most people think they are degrading, counterproductive, or dangerous.

Because: at the end of the day (literally), people that make laws go home to families and neighbors and lodges and churches just like you and I do. So even the most licentious man who has a private sex life with consorts or computers isn't going to promote it, since he has an appearance to keep up and will continue, by virtue of his wealth and power, to pursue those things privately.

Private and undisturbed obscenity is a privilege of the obscenely wealthy.

There is still a price to pay on a personal level. Spouses are the greatest equalizer this side of the grave.

And I am by no means condemning an entire class of people; there are many morally conscientious rich people, but far fewer than the morally conscientious poor, who can't afford to conceal their moral failures.


Why this post now? I have Donald Sterling on the brain.


You might ask, "You just realized? What world have you been on?" I think I not so much just realized, but realized I knew.

That's sometimes more interesting than learning something new: Realizing you already knew something but hadn't critically examined it.



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