Saturday, October 19, 2013

One guy says to the other: I need a joke...

c0 Eddie Cantor with Bert GordonSo one guy says to the other:  “I need a joke about social security.”

The other guy says: “Howabout this:

    Who was that lady I saw you with last night? 

    That was no lady, that was my wife!”

The first guy says: “I said I need a joke about social security!”

The other guy says: “Don't you get it? That joke is over 65!”


Sounds like something you might hear today. Eddie Cantor told that joke on the radio in the 1930’s.

Everything old is new again.


What do you want on your tombstone?

This hypothetical tombstone says ‘CORRIGENDUM TO FOLLOW’:

c0 This hypothetical tombstone says ‘CORRIGENDUM TO FOLLOW


Okay, a little esoteric, but that there’s funny, you gotta give me that.




  1. Ok - Now I'm going to show my ignorance!

    What does Corrigendum mean?

  2. A printer's error corrected in a later edition :-)

