Monday, December 22, 2014

Kim Jong-Un, 'The Interview', and a relatively painless lesson.

c0 Top: The real Kim Jong-Un. Bottom: Randall Park in 'The Interview'
Top: The real Kim Jong-Un. Bottom: Randall Park in 'The Interview'
I'm not a big Seth Rogen fan, but have a thought on The Interview: Nearly everyone is crying foul over attempts to stop the release of the movie and shaking their heads at Sony's decision to pull a Christmas Day release.

But what if it wasn't Kim Jong-Un at the center of the joke? What if was President Obama?

Would that be funny? No. It would be legal and protected, but it would be in very poor taste and universally panned.


If there's a silver lining in any of this, it's that we now know some of what's possible when a government flexes it's cyber muscles.

There's a very good lesson here, and a relatively painless one.

And a lot of publicity for Rogen, who probably wasn't a household name before this all started. Come to think of it, I'll bet neither was Kim Jong-Un.

Trailer for The Interview



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