Saturday, March 12, 2011

The debate over NPR funding misses the point entirely

(And I am usually very careful to moderate extreme language - eg "best," "worst", "all," "entirely", but in this case it's fitting.)

Our money goes to many things, the only difference is the channel. Our taxes fund everything from libraries and schools to wars and torture; even the omission of taxation for philanthropic or religious organizations can be interpreted as a type of agnostic funding.

My opinion, since I listen to NPR daily and know it well, is despite the staff's personal political opinions, the news reporting is as neutral as humans can be. Sometimes being neutral of course can be interpreted as taking a side, because facts don't exist in a vacuum, and by making a true statement around others who suspect your motives will be interpreted as confrontational.

Those who can will take our money, and they will use it for their purposes, that includes everything from businesses and bosses to churches and government, it's the way all human communities work. Any item of value used for trade will cluster around a select few who know how to manipulate its collection, storage, distribution, etc.

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