Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sort of Gay but Not That Way

I recently heard the term "man crush" on NPR, which I gather is intended to communicate strong attraction in a way only sexual words can do but in a sort-of-gay-but-not-that-way way.

It seems to me though to be an artifact of our growing acceptance of homosexuality and will one day be relegated to the lexical midden, forever fixed in the provenience of popular culture to be unearthed and studied someday like an ancient bone alongside "gaydar" and others I will not put here.

(Intolerant language can sometimes be embraced by an offended community to increase identity and cohesiveness; I am not referring to that type of usage here.)

I was aware of this but didn't know the source:

New Study Links Homophobia with Homosexual Arousal

I worked once with a fellow who, after learning of this, said something to the affect that he'd better stop criticizing homosexuals for fear that he would be regarded as one. He presumably didn't have the same fear over his racial language.

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