Friday, August 5, 2016

Mr Trump, Hillary played you like a fiddle / Silly me.

June 3, 2013 cover of National Review depicting Hillary Clinton playing the fiddle. VOLUME LXV, NO. 10. Artist is Roman Genn. See
Dear Mr Trump,

Mr Khizr Khan, who lost his son -- Cpt Humayun Khan -- in Iraq, challenged you about your knowledge of the Constitution.

You should have known that trying to gain political traction was in extremely poor taste, not to mention impossible. You simply should have thanked the Khans for their son's service, extended your condolences for their loss, and said, 'Yes, I've read the Constitution.'

(Though I’m beginning to think Mr Khan was right.)


Today (2016.08.05) the news is discussing President Obama’s response to Trump’s charge that the fall election might be rigged. Obama is feigning bewilderment, but after the DNC debacle that gave Bernie all the chances of a snowball in hell, and in light of quadrennial Democrat accusations of polling station irregularities in swing states like Ohio, I believe if anyone can rig them, they will.

This year I lost what little faith I had in the American electoral system. I thought it was still -- despite some tarnish -- the last great hope of an overpopulating, polluting, writhing globe, a kinder, gentler Roman Republic if you will, with a real shot at a Pax Americana.

Silly me.


me: It's all about you, isn't it?
me: Sure it is. I don't know what it's like to be anyone else.
me: Anchorite.
me: Takes one to know one.


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