Monday, July 8, 2013

Arnold, Frank, and Edgar (and lessons learned from reading movie reviews at IMDb)

c0 A painting by Frank FrazettaSome great Frank Frazetta art accompanies this soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian starring Arnold Schwarzenegger (some emotionally charged twists around 6:00 and following):

Basil Poledouris -
CONAN THE BARBARIAN (1982) - Soundtrack Suite

I've always liked Arnold, Frazetta, Edgar Rice Burroughs and others that bring this genre to life. I read many Burroughs novels when I was a boy; I collected them and still have them; some are worth something now. Burroughs created Tarzan, but I enjoyed his Martian, Venus, and Pellucidar novels the most. Critics usually identity The Moon Maid and The Mucker among his best.

Oh, and yes, that's Holst you hear in the soundtrack.



c0 Movie poster for No Country for Old MenLessons learned from reading movie reviews at IMDb

Many moviegoers who leave reviews at IMDb...

1. Are only interested in movies that confirm their opinion of life, God, the opposite sex, happy endings, etc.
2. Are unwilling to enjoy a movie on its own merits rather than the merits they think it should have.
3. Aren't interested in learning anything new.
4. Judge a film solely against the book/play/event/personality it's based on.
5. Judge the film on the beliefs of the director or actors.
6. Compare the two hours they spent watching the movie to the two hours they could have spent doing something else.
7. Need someone else to listen to them.
8. Think their opinion on movies is as valid as anyone else's.
9. Feel the need to justify why they liked something everyone else hated (or vice versa)
10. Like being anonymously mean.
11. Think everyone that gets paid to review movies is stupid.
12. Must have a favorite that they'd watch over an over on a deserted island (if they were stranded on one, had limitless electricity, a DVD player, and only one DVD to choose from).
13. Think movies are worth getting angry over.
14. Are the type who will snub you because you didn't order the frou-frou formaggio thingamajig they recommended when you had lunch with them.[1]

All that said, I think No Country for Old Men is the dumbest movie I ever saw.

Pass me a frou-frou formaggio thingamajig.



From a story told to me; not my own experience.


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