Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Uncle Creepy Says Remember to Eat Your Mandibles

Okay, so I'm reading issue #2 of Creepy magazine (reliving my youth again[1]), and I read about the cannibalistic Beane clan in Scotland, and think, No way, just too weird, but wouldn't you know, ol' Uncle Creepy is right, there is such a story...


I'm part Scottish, always wondered why I preferred the dark and had a taste for pickles and salt pork.

Rich Nickel and I used to sit up in the loft in my garage and read these. His parents didn't mind them as I recall, but mine would have had conniptions had they known. They were so deliciously irreverent, if sometimes a little too much.


  1. Wow - unbelievable. Who would have thought the writers at Creepy would come up with that story. But then, they must have always been on the lookout for material. I think I remember some of those comics. It think you're right - they went over the top now and then - touching on subjects truly repulsive.

    As for Scottish Cannibals - umm - I prefer to remember the exploits of William Wallace to those of the Beane Clan.

    Thanks for the uplifting material!

  2. Ha, I had to look him up (Wikipedia is your friend). The only Bean(e) from that part of the world I know is Mr Bean, who, come to think of it, might make a suitable Bean Clan member in a movie version ... http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1124&bih=860&q=mr+bean&gbv=2&oq=mr+bean&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=3184l4069l0l4506l7l6l0l0l0l0l146l608l3.3l6l0
