Sunday, July 27, 2014

Excuse me, you have Jesus junk stuck between your teeth.

c0 Jesus pencil toppers.
Jesus pencil toppers. Some Jesus junk is created just for its kitsch 
value, but some, like these, are intended for Christians. Strange how
it's acceptable to make money off an executed human being, 
venerated or not. There's no end to poor taste. Ever heard of 
"serial killer" trading cards? I'm not kidding >
I was going to relate a story about a person of some importance who had a religious knickknack on his/her desk but by his/her private instructions was making a statement far louder than that knickknack, and quite contrary to the message that knickknack was meant to convey. In fact, a little Googling turned this person up as a deacon in a megachurch.

A word to fellow Christians: If you're going to festoon your life with Jesus junk, at least try to play the part so you don't paint the rest of us with the same brush. Hypocrisy has a way of shrouding us with a public secret known to all but ourselves, like spinach stuck between our teeth.

Am I blameless? Hardly. There are times I've been the worst example of a Christian I know. I haven't thrown anyone to the lions, but I may have nudged a few off the straight and narrow just by being obnoxiously backslidden.

But every new day discards the previous.

I heard a quote recently (GK Chesterton?) that the biggest problem in the church is Christians.


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