Friday, July 11, 2014

Sorry, ladies, Pantene doesn't know you or care about you.

c0 A screen capture from a Pantene ad about not being sorry
A screen capture from the Pantene ad below.
Any linguist worth his or her salt will tell you that "sorry" in these instances (video below) isn't an apology, but closer to something like "excuse me," or "I'm going to inconvenience you by disagreeing, imposing, or otherwise upsetting the rhythm or pattern or status quo that characterizes your circumstances right now."

Sorry, ladies, Pantene doesn't know you or care about you. They don't even care if you're a woman. They just want your money.

"Good morning" doesn't mean the morning is good, "thank you" doesn't always mean you're thankful," and "sorry" doesn't always mean it's your fault.

Just because a woman is saying it doesn't automatically make it misogynistic anymore than a woman holding a door for me makes me effeminate.

However, there are a lot of folks who want women to believe that every bad thing that happens to them is because they're a woman. It seems to be the subtext of every other conversation about Hillary Clinton and what we're hearing today [2014-06-30] regarding the Supreme Court decision on birth control and religious conscience.

Believing doesn't make it so, but it does sell shampoo.



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