Tuesday, August 5, 2014

We're only a few broken guardrails from lynching.

c0 Michael David Dunn
Michael David Dunn
If I can be permitted a legal opinion now that the dust has settled: I think Michael David Dunn (who shot and killed Jordan Davis at a gas station on November 23, 2012 in a dispute over loud music), lost his temper, was armed, and killed a man.

He was found guilty earlier this year and I hope he spends the rest of his life in jail. Folks who can't control their tempers shouldn't be armed. And if Mr Dunn hadn't been, Jordan Davis would still be alive.

What many may not remember is that when this happened, there was still a lot of debate over George Zimmerman's acquittal in the shooting death of 17-year old Trayvon Martin, and that was fueling unhinged outrage over Jordan Davis's death.

(I don't think Zimmerman should have been armed, either.)

We've always tolerated protests and indignant pontification, by both those we support and those we despise, but when we agree to trust a process that's in all of our interests, let's do that.

Scourging in effigy may be cathartic, but it's also dangerous.


Not to be confused with THIS Michael Dunn, who was a popular character actor in the 60's and appeared on two of my weekly favorites, Star Trek and Wild, Wild West.

c0 Left: Michael Dunn with William Shatner in Star Trek. Right: In Wild Wild West.
Left: Michael Dunn with William Shatner in Star Trek. Right: In Wild Wild West.


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