Friday, March 2, 2012

Don't Assume

c0 Silence

I get an email newsletter periodically from Rock Creek Church _tmp_amn_pic_25_13_2in Derwood, MD. I think it's a mega church. I've never been there, but an old college friend[1] goes there, and his wife and son occasionally contribute to the email, so I like to read it.

c0 Kevin DeYoung, Senior Pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing, MIRecently their newsletter reposted a blog entry from Kevin DeYoung, pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing, MI. I'm not Reformed, but I understand the reformed sensibility quite well, and I like his tagline, "Restless and Reformed."

The blog entry, "Don't Assume" _tmp_amn_pic_25_13_2, is short and worth a read.

I come from a Baptist background where we observed a lot of don'ts, which was impossible and discouraging most of the time. This is a good list of don'ts.

A problem I've found with "good don'ts" is that they often force you to delay an opinion, which for prudent intellects is usually marked by silence; but to those who've already formed an opinion, this is often interpreted as indecision and weakness.

Mark Jorritsma. We became fast friends as freshman and have remained friends for years. I lived in Bolt, which at that time was a men's dorm, and I believe he was in VanderWerp. Shultze-Eldersveld was the happening dorm in those days, where the cool kids lived. I never did get to know anyone there or visit. It has a mystique that remains with me still.


Started: 2012-03-01

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