Friday, June 28, 2013

Nobody cares what sensible people think except other sensible people.

c0 Bill Bixby turned into the incredible Hulk when he got angry.
Click to enlarge: Bill Bixby turned into the incredible Hulk when he got angry.

If you want some insight into how ill-informed, mean-spirited and lonely people are, read the comments to any gun control or religious news story.

One minute you're a mild-mannered ordinary human being reading the discussion thread of a trending topic, the next minute you're furious at the opinions of others, people you don't know, will never meet, and probably wouldn't tell you what they thought if you did meet them.

The lesson: Don't read controversial news story comments. Say and do what's right. Nobody cares what sensible people think except other sensible people, and they're not reading news story comments.



c0 A man sporting Google Glass over what appears to be conventional glasses.
c0 Locutus of Borg, a.k.a. Cpt. Picard.
Click to enlarge: Top: A man sporting Google Glass over what appears to be conventional glasses. Bottom: Locutus of Borg, a.k.a. Cpt. Picard.

We will one day all be broadcasting ourselves most of the time for most of our lives. Life will be one big reality show for anyone that wants to participate.

We are almost there now; you can post a picture or stream live video from your phone.

The difference between now and then is, someday this will be so pervasive, you will need to take special steps to avoid being broadcast, just as you do now to protect your habits online.

Much of it will be unavoidable, like store and street corner cameras are today.

Imagine the implications for tragic or history-changing events, like 9/11 or the Arab Spring, in which every pair of eyes is also a camera.

Imagine the danger if only a few control it.

Will someone else own what we see?





  1. Hey Chuck - I've definitely made the same observation about comments that people post. Even on the major news sites, they usually sound like raving lunatics. I'm hoping that these are not ACTUAL opinions, and that the writers are trying to stir things up with a few over-the-top comments. But, that might me asking for too much. The world is a little crazier than I like to think about most of the time.

  2. Anonymity breeds contempt. When you are truly anonymous you reveal a lot about yourself. The world is crazy and just acting sane most of the time.


  3. Hey Bro - Say it aint so! Picard is Borg?!

    Guess I've lost track :-)
