Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thomas G Cairns January 10, 1993 Prayer Card


c0_Thomas_G_CairnsWe are not Catholic, but Grandma liked the looks of these cards and ordered them for Grandpa Cairns. I think they are very nice, and as long as I was posting Dad’s information, I thought I’d post Grandpa’s. They’re so pretty, almost makes you want to be Catholic, doesn’t it?


Here is a picture of Grandpa and Grandma Cairns (Thomas Cairns and Geneva Cairns) and grandchildren circa 1972.

Grandchildren are: Dan Young (held by Grandpa), then L-R, Tom Tom, Carolee, Dee Dee, Linda, me, and Tom.

Grandma and Grandpa Cairns and grandchildren circa 1972

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