Saturday, October 13, 2012

This is getting a little old...

c0 picture of President Obama on a can of SPAMI didn't ask for them or ever subscribe to a Democratic list that I can recall. They are all pretty much the same; they ask for $5 and come ostensibly from a Democrat I might recognize.

Funny, I am on a couple Republican lists (which I didn't ask to be on, either), and haven't seen anything like this.

Even funnier (well, funny-strange) is that they think that sending the same message over and over increases the likelihood I'll contribute (or enough folks like me will). They're selling Obama like retailers sell Christmas[1].

This is one of many similar Obama support emails:

c0 this is one of many similar Obama support emails


This is the text version of that email:

Crystal King
10:44 AM (21 hours ago)
to me

If you haven't heard the latest polls, President Obama is down 4, and Democrats are projected to lose the Senate by one single seat.

Charles — If you haven't heard the latest polls, President Obama is down 4, and Democrats are projected to lose the Senate by one single seat.

Here is how we’re going to change that:

Right now, we’re on the air in twelve battleground states fighting Rove’s millions. But we must increase our spending immediately. It's going to take $2 million in emergency funding before tomorrow's Vice Presidential debate to make this happen.

Could you contribute $5 to this Emergency Media Fund immediately? If we implement this plan before tomorrow night, we can flip these polling numbers by the weekend. If we don’t, the race for the White House and Senate could slip through our fingers.

Contribute $5 right away >> http://[deleted]

Let’s fight,
Crystal King


I wouldn't mind if each of these Democrats took a moment to share a genuine appeal, but it's obvious they are being churned out by the same folks and just rubber stamped.

The progressive side of me that likes 90% of what Obama stands for is just shaking his head. After two debates and the salty aftertaste of SPAM lingering in my inbox, the hope for change Obama once represented has evaporated.

And Romney's not the answer.


Linguistic note: I originally wrote "Black Friday," but replaced it with "Christmas." Interesting how often sensibilities and language intersect, but not at all surprising. I made the change of course to avoid any unintentional insult and distract you from the point of this particular post.


Started: 2012-10-11

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