Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lost Ideas

c0 A picture of a light bulb burning dimly and partially submerged under waterI forget much more than I eventually write, and discard much of that. Seems like my best ideas come when I am otherwise occupied. Imagine if there were a way to capture a good idea while simultaneously feeding a baby and stirring Chinese millet and eggs on the stove.

Ten other other things I wish I could do:

1. Have a radio turn on in each room as soon as I enter and turn off as I leave.
2. Listen to more audiobooks before falling asleep.
3. Write more.
4. Read more.
5. Pray more.
6. Worry less.
7. Eat less.
8. Move faster when needed.
9. Know when I don't need to move faster.
10. Be content with a baby in my arms while I stir Chinese millet and eggs on the stove.

Started: 2013-01-10


  1. #1 probably wouldn't be that difficult to do. all you would need would be a radio that plugs into a wall outlet (such as this one) and a motion-sensing wall plug unti like this one. that would at least take care of turning it on. Just a thought. :)

  2. What an excellent idea! Thank you Christopher! I'll let you know if I try that.

