Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dana Loesch: A new voice in intelligent conservatism.

c0 Piers Morgan (L) and Dana Loesch (R)Well, new to me, anyway. I just saw Dana Loesch take on Piers Morgan on gun control and it was no contest [Jan 23, 2013].

c0 William F Bukley, Jr


Loesch is the most intelligent, cogent, eloquent conservative I have seen on TV since Bill Buckley, and if you don't know who Bill Buckley was, trust me, that's saying something.

I actually have to side with Piers Morgan on this issue, but he met his match in Loesch.[1]

Piers Morgan and Dana Loesch debate gun control:

Interesting that on 1/25, Dana Loesch isn't featured on Morgan's 1/23 highlights page when others from that night are. (Click below to enlarge this screencapture of Piers Morgan's CNN page; it's the 1/23 lineup as it appeared on 1/25; they later put a 1-minute clip of Loesch from that evening at the top of the list. It is his website, of course, he can post what he wants, but this omission seems like an admission.)

c0 Piers Morgan's web page ; Dana Loesch is conspicuously absent

I'd be surprised if we see too much more of Ms Loesch on Piers Morgan
, but I think we'll see a lot more of her elsewhere.


Dana Loesch on Wikipedia >

I know I said I wasn't going to watch Piers Morgan anymore after his abominable behavior when a nurse associated with the Duchess of Cambridge committed suicide
, and I don't make a point to watch him, but I do watch CNN and will occasionally stop when he's on if I'm clicking through the news. (I click quickly and don't stay very long in any one place, but I share Morgan's anger with the American gun culture so I am listening a little to him again.)

Started: 2013-01-25

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