Friday, June 22, 2012

I'm Reconsidering My Vote in November

c0 President ObamaI wrote here _tmp_amn_pic_22_12_4 about Obama's three biggest mistakes. The third is his support of a bill that would force the Catholic Church to offer insurance that covers reproductive practices that violate church teaching. This bill is called the HHS Mandate.[1] (More information is at the bottom of this post.)

Now, I thought Obama was just being a savvy politician. He gets to show sensitivity toward a progressive agenda and take a common-sense approach to birth control (some of which I agree with); then it goes to the Supreme Court, gets overturned, and he gets credit for trying.

Aw shucks, folks, whaddya gonna do, can't get around that pesky Constitution.

I've since heard a number of talking heads casting this debate in the form of reproductive rights, the "war on women," etc, and I'm not so sure anymore that HHS will fail.

This is about religious liberty. Period. It has nothing to do with how popular the belief is, whether it affects men or women, whether anyone really practices it, whether it’s stupid or old fashioned or anything else.

c0 Presidential hopeful Mitt RomneyDespite my contempt for Romney and (nearly) everything he represents, and my respect for Obama, I may vote for Romney or an independent. Because a fundamental principle more important than either of them is at stake.[2]

If HHS succeeds intact, it won't stop there, and any conviction that you or I hold as part of any community we belong to could fall to majority will.

I'd rather have 4 years of despotic, insensitive, shallow, ineffective leadership than remove this pillar of the Constitution.

It may be difficult to balance a budget, create jobs, and maintain peace in a hostile world. It's much more difficult to restore civil rights.

Sign the Petition to Stop the HHS Mandate_tmp_amn_pic_22_29_2


The compromise Obama offered is a distinction without a difference. Insured Catholics would still be funding the disputed practices. Don't be surprised, however, to hear the debate framed so that Catholics are presented as stubborn and unreasonable.

I realize that by voting for an independent, I may be "throwing away my vote," as they say. But if everyone voted their conscience, every vote would count and we'd get the candidate most of us actually want.

I truly don't want to vote against anyone, but this year is a tough year. I have voted Libertarian in the past. I may do so again, but haven't been following the party for some time. I hope the HSS issue is resolved before the election. But the fact that Obama supported it in the first place bothers me.

_tmp_amn_pic_38_47_0BTW, I also loathe the new myopic Left that has discarded perspicuity and fairness for buzzwords and misrepresentation. As much as I dislike Romney, this is simply not fair: MSNBC faces pressure on Romney’s Wawa moment  _tmp_amn_pic_54_51_4

Started: 2012-06-15

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