Saturday, September 1, 2012

Kindred Comic Spirit

Scott Meyer on Sports

c0 this is a picture of one of the recurring characters in the strip Basic Instructions, drawn by Scott Meyer.Finally, someone intelligently, accurately, captured my sentiments about sports.... (his cartoon panel avatar looks a little like former coworker and forever friend Steve Voller)…

c0 Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer for 2012-08-29

Scott Meyer draws the strip "Basic Instructions." You see this cartoon in it's home and read others on his blog >.


Bill Nye on Evolution and Creation

I like Bill Nye. I remember Nye back when he was the Science Guy. I watched him with my son Charlie when Charlie was a child. And later I watched him respond gracefully while getting beaten up on Larry King Live by a UFO witness who attacked his intelligence by referencing Nye's children's show.

This is a gentle appeal that valiantly attempts to be non-confrontational:

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

I give Nye a lot of credit for taking a lot of nonsense and rising above it. I hope he never loses that tensile strength that allows him to bend. More folks listen to folks like that, including me.

Unfortunately, no amount of reason or civility will change most minds made up on this issue. It's that way with most religious convictions (the good, the bad, and the benign); this particular one is predominantly an American phenomenon; most Christians around the world don't see the need to fuss over it.


c0 St AmbroseOverheard

"Who cares if it's made of gold? It's still a chain."
-- Fr John Riccardo quoting St Ambrose.




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