Saturday, September 15, 2012

Why Some Men Support a Woman's Right to Abortion

Do you know why some men support a woman's right to abortion?

I'm a man talking to women right now:

It's because men are programmed to make babies and take limited responsibility.

That's why.

It has very little to do with being an enlightened, progressive, liberal person in tune with women's rights.

If you ask a man who supports a woman's right to abortion, he will likely disagree. But he may as well be disagreeing about why he likes to eat. We may not understand the chemical attractions of carbohydrates, fats and sugars, how smell and appearance affect taste, etc, but those things are motivating factors in what and how much we put in our mouths.

Debates over personhood, viability, rape, etc are important and should continue, but shouldn't keep us from recognizing some core realities.

Including men's unrelenting desire to copulate with any warm body on two legs that looks sorta kinda like it might conceive if Tab A is inserted into Slot B.

(Please don’t misunderstand. The is no position on abortion stated in this posting. I have one, but it is not here.)


Map of Arab Protests
Looks like this as of Saturday September 15, 2012. Link >

c0 Map of Arab protests as of Saturday September 15, 2012
Anyone else feel that we oughtn't stay where we're not wanted? The age of needing a physical presence to maintain diplomatic relations is long behind us.

Incidentally, despite my feelings about Obama's politics, I still respect him. Not sure where my vote is going, but I'm not voting today. I'm supporting my president.[1]



"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."
--Mark Twain



Interesting BTW that the filmmaker, Nakoula Basseley, is being scrutinized for probation violation; looks like authorities are looking for something to take him out of circulation, since you can’t do that only because he said bad things about someone’s religious beliefs. (Story >). If he’s guilty,  he’s guilty. Of probation violation.

Reminds me of evangelist/creationist Kent Hovind (“Dr Dino”), who is in jail after being convicted on 58 federal counts (tax offenses, obstructing federal agents, and structuring cash transactions). Hovind on Wikipedia > . Mr. Hovind vocally supported tax protests and other things that make government ears perk up.

Is there really free speech in this country?

Sure. Just be prepared for some additional scrutiny. If someone doesn’t like you for some reason, they’ll find another reason to make things painful for you.

That, unfortunately, is true in any country, whether citizens are allowed to speak freely or not.



  2. "Suspicion" is conveniently vague, isn't it.

