Thursday, September 27, 2012

There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.

Communion on the Moon

c0 Buzz AldrenDid you know Buzz Aldren conducted a communion service on the moon? (Source > ) I think that's pretty cool. Not because it was religious, but because it was a very human thing to do and the ultimate expression of humility that only a Christian can fully understand. If he had bowed toward Mecca, I wouldn't have been as impressed, but I would have understood the gesture.

Strange I never heard this before, but the Wikipedia article explains why.


Education and Religion

I used to wonder how in the world an educated person could also be religious. I now wonder why so few are.

I do continue to wonder why so many religious people are embarrassingly unread. I don't suppose that will ever change.


Story Idea

I win a 50/50 raffle, but I'm the only one that bought a ticket.


My Opinion on the Packers-Seahawks Call

c0 Two refs make different calls on the same play in the Packers-Seahawks game on Monday Sept. 24.I think the yellow helmets with the big G’s on them really pop when ten guys are fighting over an inflated rubber bladder wrapped in dead cow skin.



The subject for this post is a quote by George Carlin.


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