Saturday, January 11, 2014

My opinion on the Chris Christie bridge kerfuffle

Christie apologizes for bridge scandal >

c0 Governor Chris Christie1. As of today [2014-01-09], we don’t know who did what.

2. He said everything right, whether he was complicit or not.

3. Pundificating politicians were calling him a liar 10 minutes after he was done. Based on what? Based on speculation preceded with “I’m only speculating”? What kind of leadership does that show?

4. Political foes are making hay of this because Christie is the GOP’s current best hope to defeat a likely run by Hillary Clinton.

5. We didn’t hear this much heated debate when a sitting president used the Oval Office for his private  peccadillos, then lied about it, then debated the meaning of “is,” (and I understand he has an IQ of 149, which goes to show that severe embarrassment makes idiots of us all).

6. Compare Christie’s speech with Oprah’s public denouncement of James Frey on her show regarding his representation on A Million Little Pieces.


That's what we saw today.

I was going to end this with “it’s all politics, anyway,” but will instead put that into terms that define it better: “The truth is buried so deeply under private interests, you’ll never hear it no matter how hard you listen.”

I have a post on hypocrisy coming up Thursday Jan 23; no finger pointing, just thoughts. It's probably not what you think.



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