Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Herring a la Erronée

c0 Sponge Bob and Patrick have a fightRecently I was having an online debate with someone and we took it offline and batted counter-arguments back and forth until it became painfully obvious that we could find no common ground.

Nearly every time I've done this, it's ended this way -  unable to find even one significant new point on which we could get a foothold to continue a journey one logical step at a time.

If we can't find common ground on issues that live mostly in our heads and hearts, how can we ever hope to cure social ills that are dehumanizing and killing people every day?

I can only assume that those disagreeing with me see the weakness of their positions and don't want to debate them logically, but I'll never know because few are unwilling to give even a qualified yes/no to fundamental propositions.



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