Saturday, January 3, 2015

I did get a new phone, but lost 16Gb of movies and pictures.

c0 Christmas 2014 - Mimi, Dee Dee, Mommy at Christmas Eve service, Trinity Lutheran, Ada, MI
Mimi, Dee Dee, Mommy at Christmas Eve service, Trinity Lutheran, Ada, MI
This is the cutest Christmas picture I didn't lose. The family further down the pew are the Albaitis. Their daughter Lydia is Dee Dee's age and they are very good friends. They are members at Trinity and that's how we came to occasionally visit there.

A closing thought on the last day of Advent [2014-12-24]...

If you don't like Christmas, don't celebrate it, but don't try to change it, it's not yours to change.



Update: Our IT department was able to resurrect my iPhone 4 (thank you, Bob!) and I was able to get my pictures off of it. I was due for an update, said Bob, so am grateful for the new phone as well.



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