Friday, December 14, 2012

I have a wordle for you

I once had a Christian friend, long, long ago, who approached me and said "I have a word for you." It was the first time I'd heard that expression. I said something to the effect of, "You mean, like, with letters in it?"

No. He meant God spoke to him about me and he wanted to share that information. And he meant God really spoke to him. He had the inside scoop, straight from God.

I don't know if the expression is used anymore.[1]

Wordle is a website that will do a graphic frequency analysis of text. Frequency isn't always meaningful, but it can offer interesting insights.

Not surprisingly, in the examples below, words we associate with a developing picture of Jesus' divinity are more common in John. (Wordle removes common words but didn't recognize "unto.")

c0 wordle picture of the Gosel of Matthew
c0 wordle picture of the Gosel of Mark
c0 wordle picture of the Gosel of Luke
c0 wordle picture of the Gosel of John



The reason I write about various religious beliefs and how they relate to mine is not to convince anyone one way or the other, but firstly to work through them myself, and secondly to encourage tolerance. And if either of those brings two people closer to worshiping together who otherwise wouldn't, that's good.

None of us are right about everything; but those that sincerely claim Christ are more alike than they are different.



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