Friday, March 15, 2013

"I blew my brains out."

Bob R, a roommate at Calvin College whom I wrote about earlier, once told me a story about his mom, who was an emergency room nurse (IIRC), and a boy who'd come in with a polyp in his nasal cavity.

During the exam, the boy sneezed so hard, he expelled the polyp - and a considerable amount of blood - into his hands. When he saw it, the boy began to cry, thinking that he had blown his brains out

c0 Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. Calvin sneezes and says "I'm leaking brain lubricant."



You can tell that evangelicals are a little perturbed by the papal conclave and the attention it's getting. Evangelical Christian talk is reassuring folks that being a Christian is what you believe, not where you go to church.[1]

I have to say that I"m not crazy about the ostentation myself, but once you know the personalities behind it, it's less intrusive, like a suit and tie on Sunday morning, commercials during a movie, or Christmas decorations.

[2013-03-14: The new pope is more austere and we may see a papal emphasis on the poor and marginalized. That's a good thing.]




c0 white smoke rises from the Vatican on March 13, 2013You can also tell that a lot of atheists and agnostics are a little perturbed, wondering why major news outlets are spending so much time on what color smoke rises from the Vatican when there are more important stories to talk about.[2]



We all balance reality against how we think things ought to be.



Well, yes and no, depends on how you define your terms. It also doesn't address the realty that you can be a Christian despite (some of) your beliefs and the church you attend.

The tone seems to be sort of "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain," an effort to avoid distraction, discussion, or understanding.

There is
also a little of "Hey, we're the real Christians over here, look at us."

Actually, I think I detected more negative coverage early on, which quickly became more even when (I presume) the networks discovered there was considerable interest from those that watch the news and buy the products advertised there. FOX and MSNBC have been conspicuously quiet. I presume in FOX's case because their base is largely evangelical. Maybe it's just me, but I thought Rachel Maddow over at MSNBC was dying to say something critical but was holding back, not in her typical sarcastic way, but in a "my boss told me not to" way. Hard to tell.



  1. Hello- there is a thrift shop in Sand Lake with a bunch of Calvin College stuff (yearbooks, diplomas, various documents) in Sand Lake. Would you want me to grab them and give them to Adam? They go back to the 30s and, just glancing thru them, I was on the verge of buying them just to look through (I love old stuff). Let me know if you are interested and I will pick 'em up. -herb

  2. In case I didn't mention it, that thrift shop in Sand Lake is in Sand Lake. ;)

  3. Hello Herb! Please don't go out of your way, but if you see something from 1981-1985, I would enjoy having that. Those were my years there. If it's pricey, pls don't pick it up. Thank you for thinking of me!

