Saturday, March 9, 2013

You're allowed to ridicule two types of people all the time.

c0 homeless man on benchYou're allowed to ridicule two types of people all the time, without exception, based on...

1. ... features or practices that characterize most people most of the time, and
2. ... features or practices that characterize very few people most of the time.[1]

That is, the very large majority and very small minority are safe targets all the time.

We all fall into both of these extremes on some things. Our color, language, age, gender, opinions, etc. can all become safe targets.

I happen to be a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant male. Watch most any ad targeting women or minorities and you'll see men like me faring rather poorly. I'm not complaining, mind you, just pointing it out. Our society is coming to terms with a changing demographic and humor is one way it does this.[2]




Don't judge God by the company he keeps.



There is also a 3rd category: Large groups with unpopular views. I believe that a Jew from a small town died 2,000 years ago for my sins and rose from the dead. I talk to him every day, and I believe he listens. There are approximately 2.4 billion people who identify with this to some extent. They are probably the largest safe target there is, and they won't blow you up if you make fun of them.

c0 Jackie, Oh! Jackie Kennedy wore a bouffant.A long time ago, I was in a meeting room with folks no longer with my company. Before the meeting started, the meeting organizer was projecting his laptop and went to a website where old photos were posted featuring mullets, bouffants, loud plaids, horn-rimmed glasses, etc. Some were just dressed funny, some were rather homely. In each case, however, the photos were serious: engagements, holidays, graduations, etc. Each of them had tried to make themselves look nice for the camera. But as the organizer clicked through them, the room laughed uproariously.

I didn't laugh. I didn't express my displeasure, I just didn't laugh. But I did try to get the meeting on track, and by doing this I became a disapproving party pooper; you could have cut the scorn with a knife.

I don't think it's nice to make fun of anyone based on how they look.

That's just me.


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