Monday, August 12, 2013

Writers think about these things.

c0 Blogger logo. This blog is hosted by Blogger.I compose my posts in the portable version of AllMyNotes, a rich text outliner and the best alternative to Microsoft OneNote I've found that plays nice with Windows Live Writer (which I use to schedule and publish); I also use KeyNote-NF and recently began using TeeDBNotes Free at work for day-to-day writing and archiving[1]). All three are essentially rich text databases that look and feel like word processors but can store files also.

I sometimes change my posts after pasting them into Windows Live Writer, but I archive my original work as I wrote it.

Someday someone may find it interesting to see how I tweaked and nudged things at the last minute, which would be an interesting study for any writer.

But writers care about these things even if others don't, and we continue to think others think about them, even if they don't.



c0 Bunch of old tires.[1]
Writers are pack rats, especially those that work in advertising or marketing. You have to be, so that you don't change the same message weeks apart, or reinvent the wheel when all it needs is a retread. (Does anyone retread anymore?)

FWIW, my last-minute changes are almost always softening something I
may have stated too bluntly or I suspect may be misinterpreted, and they invariably make things shorter, not longer, and that's usually better.



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