Friday, November 7, 2014

If someone came up to me and said, "You were a Baptist, weren't you?", I'd...

c0 Sheet Music from He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Sheet Music from He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
If someone came up to me and said, "You were a Baptist, weren't you? I'm thinking of becoming one, can I talk to you?", I'd drop everything as quickly as I could and make time for that person. So would most Baptists I grew up with. I know that as surely as I'm typing these words.

The reason I bring it up is that over the past few years I've reached out much like that imaginary person wondering about Baptists, but I was wondering about other denominations. These were people whom I'd known to be extremely religious and committed, but in many cases, I discovered that commitment didn't extend to me, or that they'd since set it aside like an unhappy memory, or taken a fork in their journey and travelled too far to come back.

I make no judgement, none whatsoever, I have no insight into the experiences they carry with them, but it's unfortunate how few will slow to walk with a hobbling brother.

We encourage that, don't we? Faith is private. You don't have to share it. Better that you don't, lest it interfere with government, business, friendship, or dinner.

Which eviscerates it, or denudes it, or castrates it, or (choose your own analogy). 

Any philosophy that is better left private is better left alone.



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