Monday, November 10, 2014

The world is broken and I can't fix it.

c0 Illustrator WW Denslow's 1904 Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
Illustrator WW Denslow's 1904 Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

Some news outlets reported that police tried to intervene but the crowd was too large to hold back. Forty or fifty have apparently been arrested. But desecration of the Koran is punishable by death in Pakistan. So what do you then arrest them for? Resisting arrest? Burning blasphemers without a permit?

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is quoted as saying "A responsible state cannot tolerate mob rule and public lynching with impunity," and "The Pakistani state has to act proactively to protect its minorities from violence and injustice." Source >

Not much in there regarding liberty of conscience. It's about punishing how the mob sought justice, not how misdirected their motives were.

Which is like punishing the rapist while blaming the victim, as though one permits the other.


When I last checked [11/4 9:29pm], this was being defeated >

"Colorado is the latest in a string of states to decide whether to grant unborn fetuses the same legal rights as born human beings, adding to the definition of "person" in the Colorado criminal code an "unborn human being." Republican Senate candidate Cory Gardner has supported a federal version of this law, but he has said he opposes the state effort." Source >

c0 Colorado Ballot Election Results

How is an unborn human being not an unborn person? Since when did we again start assuming the right to grant a status to any living creature outside that which they inherit when they enter this world? (Or have the chutzpah to tell someone who they can and cannot marry, for that matter?)

That anyone would decide this by popular vote means we've already lost trust in the institutions that guard our liberties and shepherd our souls.

BTW, a debate between "person" and "human" is intellectually dishonest. The same logic has been used for millennia to subjugate entire classes of people.

I am sorry for the mothers as much as the unborn. It's the men I have little sympathy for. If you want to kill an unborn person, don't ask anyone to coddle your conscience with legislation.


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