Thursday, November 6, 2014

Apple CEO Tim Cook calls his sexual orientation a gift from God

c0 Apple CEO Tim Cook
Apple CEO Tim Cook.
Anyone who knows me well (or spent much time here) knows my opinion on homosexuality (The Troubled Middle >), so what I am about to say shouldn't be interpreted as an indictment of that lifestyle.

Nonetheless, listening to someone categorize their sexual orientation as a divine gift is no more remarkable than me thanking God for my tallywhacker.

We can't celebrate one predilection over another without some measure of disingenuity (or suspension of credulity).

I am very much live-and-let-live and congratulate Cook on his courage and honesty, but I also have enough marbles to know hyperbole when I hear it.

(There is a great chasm between "I'm the CEO of a major corporation and glad to be gay" and "God blessed me by making me gay." )



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