Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Founding Fathers Had Cool Hair

(0dds and  Ends for Wednesday July 11.)

c0 Ben Franklin on the $100 bill.Ever wonder what it would be like for a famous person from the past to plop down into your world? I think about it all the time. I'd like to introduce Ben Franklin to TV, cell phones, an iPad; show him his face on a $100 bill.

I also wonder how different it was (if it was) to wake up in those days, rub your eyes, stretch your muscles and look out the window at a rising sun. How different was it 1,000 years ago, or 2,000, or in the Neander Valley 300,000 years ago?

Probably not much different at all. But probably much nicer without Prozac and genocide and mutant frogs and whatnot. I don't think Ben would like those things at all, but he probably wouldn't be surprised.

The cicadas were singing in Erie already the week of July 4th. Haven't heard any in Michigan yet. [Tuesday, July 10, 2012]

You are different. Embrace it, and tolerate difference in others.


Started: 2012-06-20


  1. I love to think about going back to work with Edison on electricity or Gutenberg on the printing press. What would it be like to teach knitting to someone for the first time?

  2. Ah, yes, the reverse - visiting them instead of them visiting us. I'd like to think smart people from the past would be cool to meet on their own turf, but I think many might have been like Steve Jobs and if I met they I might still respect them but not like them :-)

