Monday, July 9, 2012

An Old Movie, an Old Theater

c0 Parasite (1982) staring Demi MooreI stumbled across a movie I haven't seen (but occasionally did think about) for many years - I remembered it only as a scary 3D movie in which the monster looked like a menacing pickle. I saw it with Rich Nickel (and I think his brother Dave and my brother Tom) at the West Erie Plaza theater in Erie, PA, which isn't a theater anymore and was sadly too empty too often even then. (The multiplexes were sprouting up and theaters with one screen couldn't compete.)

c0 Phoebe CatesThe movie is Parasite _tmp_amn_pic_74_13_2 from 1982,  notable for being Demi Moore's first starring role. I only remembered that the heroine was very pretty. I always liked Phoebe Cates, too; they shared a certain look typical of that period.


Started: 2012-06-30



  2. Thank your for the Link West Erie Plaza! For those that don't know, that's the old theater marquee in the Plaza's faceboook page.

