Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why a Pro-Life Vote Counts When Abortion is Legal

c0 MiMi Cairns (due Jan 7, 2013 if all goes well),I've struggled with this issue myself for years. Abortion is legal. What possible value can there be in casting a vote that considers a candidate's position on this topic?


1. Many people are wrong about many things. It doesn't matter how loud they get or who they are. If you think something is wrong, it very well could be wrong. If sheer numbers and popularity determined right and wrong, we’d be in a lot of trouble. (And sometimes that happens. Ask the Anti-Defamation League.)

2. If you allow something to continue without opposition, you are condoning it by your silence and leading by example.

So far this is agnostic. However...

3. On January 23rd, 2009, 3 days after taking office, President Obama suspended the Mexico City Policy, which prevented organizations receiving U.S. government funding from performing or promoting abortions in other countries. That means our president changed a policy that directly increased abortions outside the US. (Source > )

I didn't know that until recently.[1]

All arguments I've heard in favor of abortion rights revolve around convenience, economics, or the non-personhood of the unborn.
Never when human life is involved - whether it's the elderly or the unborn - will you hear anyone consider the value of life aside from the cost to maintain it.

If you base your decision on what's convenient and economical, the choices are very easy.
If you've followed me this far, you know my reevaluation over the past few months has reduced the tally of candidates I feel good about to precisely zero.

Started: 2012-08-13

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