Monday, September 30, 2013

Those who earnestly seek invite equally earnest dismissal.

c0 Those who earnestly seek invite equally earnest dismissalHas it ever happened to you that you become excited about something, but no one is excited for you? So you wonder if your excitement is silly, and eventually you turn to something else, or set it aside for later, or drop it altogether, as though it’s tainted.


I’ve had it happen a lot. I’m sure you have too. For me it’s been writing, radio, and Jesus. In the past, this usually came in the form of a paternal nod from someone significantly older lending unsolicited advice about how different the world is than the one I think I’m in. Now that I’m older, it comes with a youthful nod from someone significantly younger thinking I’m an addled with age.


Those who earnestly seek invite equally earnest dismissal. I’m often tempted to blame that for the troughs that punctuate my spiritual journey, but that would be like blaming a series of red traffic lights for making me late for work.



c0 Clarence talks to George after he pulls him out of the water. George is suddenly able to hear with an ear that's been deaf since a childhood accident. George says to Clarence, "Say something else in that ear." Clarence replies, "Sure. You can hear out of it.""The most frustrating part of dealing with people that are horribly wrong is enduring their insistence that they are right.:

--Clarence 0ddbody, upon watching this video of the debate between Hank Hanegraaff and Mark Hitchcock on the date of the book of Revelation; IMHO Hitchcock won if only by virtue of Hanegraaff’s indignant piety.



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