Thursday, December 12, 2013

The maturing mind of an 11-month old.

c0 Mimi, Jing and Dee Dee after making a gingerbread house (Christmas 2013)
Click to enlarge: Mimi, Jing and Dee Dee after making a gingerbread house (Christmas 2013)

All parents are amazed at the knowledge children acquire and how early, but it never ceases to amaze no matter how many times you see it happen.

Today, Mimi, who is 11 months old, heard applause from hundreds of people during a movie. There was no close-up with a familiar clapping sound from a single person, just the typical sound of hundreds clapping at once. The two sounds are very different. But she understood what they were doing and began clapping herself. She was imitating the behavior, and at that moment associating the sound of a hundred claps with the sound of one.


After taking her medicine recently (for ear infections), Mimi climbed out of her mom’s arms, across the bed and into mine, said “Da Da,” put her head down on my shoulder and promptly went to sleep.


That has nothing to do with clapping, of course, but she only recently began saying “Da Da” and behaving this way, so I thought I should note it for her.

She’s also almost walking, and shows an inquisitive nature Dee Dee didn't have (what’s inside cupboards, behind doors, etc).



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