(I don't know why I felt the need to repost this. I am at odds with some very dear people on some things, these among them.)
I'm going to state my opinion on three topics that almost everyone reading this will partially disagree with:
1. Abortion is wrong. It's not a reproductive rights issue, it's a human rights issue.
2. Gay marriage is not wrong. It's like any other marriage. It's not a moral issue, it's a civil rights issue.
3. Recreational drugs use should be legalized.
a. I don't know anyone who has had an abortion.
b. I have no friends or family that are gay (that I know of). [This was true when I wrote it.] I have some former acquaintances that I have heard are gay, but I have no first-hand knowledge. I simply don't travel in circles where this is openly expressed.[1]
c. Despite my appearance and opinion on this subject, I have never taken non-prescription drugs. Never.
If you disagree with me, I respectfully differ and believe you are wrong. If I didn't think so, I would think otherwise. I trust you would as well. We can still be friends.
I am not a woman, I am not gay, and I know no one with a drug problem. I still have an obligation to form an opinion on these topics. All are emotionally deep and deserve sensitive, considered discussion, not sarcastic "if you don't agree with me you're stupid," which is too often the tone of what passes for public discourse, especially on the cable news outlets.
Lots of folks align themselves with larger groups that promote policies and practices they disagree with because the one big idea they do agree on outweighs the others they don't. That's unfortunate.
Someone out there agrees with me on two or three of these issues. I'll bet a lot do, and they've thought a lot about it and they know why they think the way they do. Many of you are Christians and have prayed about it as well.
Don't take a side that compromises your own stand on important issues.
Make your own side.
Become part of the troubled middle.[2]
Live and let live. Share peace and love and all good things.
I probably won't change any minds with this post.
I'm posting it anyway.
Which makes me unwelcome among those I wish to be welcome, because I seek tolerance of all sides, all views. Not necessarily acceptance, though that may come.
I like some things Michael Moore does more than others. This is one I like:
Michael Moore vs Westboro Baptist Church
[1]If you're the least bit undecided on the appropriate Christian response to homosexuality, read retired physicist and minister John Berguson's comments here >; a summary of opinions on all sides is here >. They made a difference in my approach to this issue many years ago. "Christians of good will can and will differ."
I think the term originated with Strachen Donnelley >.
Started: 2012-04-28
I waited a long time to post this. I've thought a great deal about it, and read a great deal, over many years; I struggle not with what I believe - I am at home with my own thoughts – but with how others will respond to me.
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