Sunday, November 18, 2012

Caricatures and Costumes

c0 Google image search for Search Google images for "hippie", what do you get?

Caricatures and costumes. How far we've come from a generation that gave a damn.


Pay No Attention to the Man behind the Curtain

co Wolf in sheep's clothingNearly all media messages you hear and see are controlled by the wealthy and/or privileged (which may or may not be the same). We easily forget the barrage after an election cycle, but it's equally true (and more subtle) of TV commercials, sitcoms, dramas, news - everything down to the the music shuffling in your iPod.

It's been filtered before it reached you, and you need to apply the same filter to see what's really being said.

There's nothing necessarily right or wrong about this; it's just an important first principle for decoding the world.



c0 Uncle Sam says, Former anythings are the most rabid evangelists.

They are also sometimes unpleasant to be around, because they feel compelled to make projects out of others.

There's nothing wrong with crusading against your former addiction, whatever it was, but it often says more about you than it does the addiction.

Former smokers and former religious evangelicals are examples that immediately come to mind.[1]

Their anger is a reflection of their anxiety over a former opinion/behavior/practice, not so much a genuine conviction that they need to convince you.



Full disclosure: I am both, and have my opinions, which you'll hear if you push the right buttons, but there aren't many. Oh, and if I could smoke without killing myself or others, I'd do it. I enjoyed it very much.


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