Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How I Voted, Why I Voted, and Why I'm Disgusted

c0 Election button: "I'm pro miscuous and I vote" ; the words "pro" and "miscuous" are on separate lines; it's a play on the common formula, "I'm pro something and I vote, " eg, "I'm pro life and I vote."I am writing this on Saturday Nov. 3. It will be posted shortly after midnight, Nov. 6, Election Day, before the polls open and before I vote.

How I voted:

Straight ticket[1]. I voted for a party, not a person.

Why I voted:

There is a proposal in Michigan regarding an additional bridge to Canada. The fellow that owns the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor opposes it because he makes a lot of money from the bridge he owns and he won't own the new bridge. So he's invented a grass-roots campaign opposing a new bridge. The whole debate is really just about one rich guy that wants you and me to use his bridge.

That's all.

I went to the polls primarily to cast my vote on this one issue: another bridge to Canada is a good idea.[2]

Why I'm disgusted:

A. I finally succumbed to the lesser of two evils; I'm angry I had no real choice and I'm angry I was forced to make one.

B. There was a local politician last election cycle that published the names of folks that didn't vote in the election before that. He apparently felt that it's okay to shame folks into voting, even if they had good reasons for not voting.

I think that's pathetic.

c0 cute baby kittenBut there is one thing left in this world that nearly everyone grows righteously indignant over, and that's voting.

Saying you didn't vote is like drowning kittens or clubbing baby seals.

So I voted. So no one can ever say I didn't do my civic duty.

I don't expect anything to change.

It's up to the winners to prove me wrong.

I double dog dare ya.


c0 William F Buckley JrThoughtful Republicans have no candidate in this race. The party of Goldwater, Reagan, and Bill Buckley is long gone, replaced by monied influencers and parrots.

But it is more often the party of personal responsibility and life, and so that's where my vote went.

I've driven to and from Canada a heckuva lot. Easing border traffic is a good idea, proposal or no. The fact that this became a debate just because someone with a lot of money didn't like the idea should tell us all something. It easily will have cost as much to argue about it as it will to build it after you've tallied the ads, printing ballots, and the time voters have taken away from other things to separate the truth from spin. The Ambassador Bridge owner spent our dollars to protect his own, and we'll never get that back.


Started: 2012-11-03


  1. Regarding the mailing your received with your neighbors voting records (voted or did not vote), we just received an identical mailing with ourselves and our neighbors listed - and it was wrong! It said I had not voted in the last two elections (which I absolutely did) - and that was as far back as the data went. So, I'm a slack jaw schlump who just doesn't care about things enough to go out and do his duty. So, there it is. I'm not as upset as I should be though. Can't tell you why for sure - Apathy? We schlumps are given to it occasionally.

  2. Wow, I'd have a word with the politician that sent it out and tell him/her they will never get my vote, ever. So here's a good question - if the records show you didn't vote, was your vote really counted? Seems to me they'd be part of the same data.


  3. Enjoying your blog. What was the result re: another bridge to Canada? I have to agree with your reason for voting the way you did. Maybe in another four years.....


  4. Wow, thanks for your comment, mom! The bridge proposal failed (which is what I wanted). That means elected leaders will make decisions about international bridges and not the owners of the bridges :-)

