Thursday, November 1, 2012

Some Pictures from Trick-or-Treat 2012

c0 Halloween 2012 - Lisa, Jing, Abby and Dee, larger picture is below

Dee Dee visited Abby's family in Jenison for Trick-or-Treat.

It was very cold and we didn't do too many houses. The girls tired quickly but they had fun. Dee Dee went to bed quickly. So did Mom and Dad.


c0 Halloween 2012 - getting ready to go to Abby's housec0 Halloween 2012 - Abby (L) and Dee Dee (R)

c0 Halloween 2012 - Abby (L) and Dee Dee (R)

c0 Halloween 2012 - Rick, Lisa, and Lisa's Mom and Dad, who are visiting from China

c0 Halloween 2012 - Dee Dee waiting to get a little makeupc0 Halloween 2012 - Lisa giving Abby some makeup

c0 Halloween 2012 - Lisa giving Dee Dee some makeup

c0 Halloween 2012 - Dee Dee is tired and we haven't even left the house yetc0 Halloween 2012 - Dee Dee and Abby with their jackets on and ready to go

The best picture of the evening: Lisa and Abby (L) and Xiaohong and Dee Dee (R)

c0 Halloween 2012 - The best picture of the evening: Lisa and Abby (L) and Xiaohong and Dee Dee (R)

c0 Halloween 2012 - the first house

The haul...

c0 Halloween 2012 - the hual


For old-time's sake: My son Charlie and his friends in 2002 going through their loot. I don't remember the boys' names. Charlie is on the left.

c0 Halloween 2002 - Charlie and his friends



1 comment:

  1. Hey Bro -

    Thanks for the photos - it looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Thanks to for the picture of Charlie - I cannot believe that so much time has passed so quickly!
