Saturday, November 10, 2012

What tools have I yet to acquire?

I'll be celebrating Christmas a little differently this year.

c0 The holy family in a traditional manger sceneIt won't look much different on the outside. We plan to be a little more frugal, but there will still be a tree and Santa and presents and eggnog.

It will be very different on the inside, however, and my expectations will be different, and expectations usually account for 99% of our satisfaction.



c0 old rotary dial phoneEmail, voicemail, let's call the whole thing off.

I get lots of voicemails from business folks that don't leave email addresses. Outlook transcribes the voicemail and emails it to me with an mp3 of the message; but I rarely return unsolicited calls, and if all I have is a phone number, I'll delete it. I will respond by email if I think the caller really wanted me and not someone who was on a list of "makes big IT decisions and spends a lot of money," which I don't.



c0 Clarence talks to George after he pulls him out of the water. George is suddenly able to hear with an ear that's been deaf since a childhood accident. George says to Clarence, "Say something else in that ear." Clarence replies, "Sure. You can hear out of it."Say something else in that ear.

"I try to bear in mind that as right as I think I am, I may someday change my mind. I've done it before and I'll do it again. I really admire smart kids. I've met kids in their 20's that came to wise conclusions I didn't reach until my 40's. What tools did they have that I lacked at that age? More interesting than that is, What tools have I yet to acquire?"
--Clarence 0ddbody



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