Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Everybody keep a tight bagel hole, now.

c0 This bagel is begging for something drippy and deliciousHey, Mister Bagel Man, yeah, you, the guy that oversees the bagel balling and baking and bagging: Did you know that some of our favorite bagel toppings get a little drippy after that bagel is toasted?

c0 This bagel has a long way to go if it's ever going to survive a toaster and a tablespoon of peanut butterYes, drippy. Stuff like butter, peanut butter, cream cheese, Nutella.

If you close that hole up in the middle a little, that will keep our drippy bagel condiments from slowly and inexorably exuding onto the plate, thusly reserving each drop for our palates.

Then you can patrol the bagel assembly line like a general reviewing his troops and say things like, “Everybody keep a tight bagel hole, now."



When you’re feeling low in wintertime in Grand Rapids, there’s no place to go to be that old guy sitting on a park bench feeding pigeons, like in the movies, where people throw Frisbees and walk dogs, and little children come over and sit down next to you and share wisdom beyond their years.

There’s no place like that.


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