Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why porn is like frying bacon.

c0 Oscar Mayer’s Wake Up & Smell the Bacon appThe recently introduced Oscar Mayer “Wake Up & Smell the Bacon” mobile app is a good example of how computers finally went mainstream and why those who understand the nuts and bolts matter a bit less today than they did a few years ago.

Wake Up To the Smell of Free Bacon Everyday
"This could, quite possibly, be the greatest way to wake up, EVER! Oscar Mayer has created a device that attaches to your iPhone and when paired with the app, you will wake to the smell of frying bacon." Source >

When technology is finally adopted by those who don't need to understand how it works, it becomes no less (or more) indispensable than a toothbrush, microwave, or light bulb.

The adoption of technology goes through stages (I'm sure this has been documented to death somewhere, this is just Clarence thinking out loud)....

1. Introduction
2. Geek adoption
3. Geekdom, wherein geeks run companies and drive development because of their special knowledge (think Gates and Jobs).
4. Mainstream adoption (angry fowl in catapults, frying bacon, porn)
5. Geeks become marginalized and explore new niche technologies.
6. Rinse, repeat once every generation.



Please don’t misunderstand. I have a passion for computing, but I’m nearly helpless when it comes to cars. I can put gas in it and change the oil filter and that’s about it. Dad did most of his own maintenance; most guys his age do and have been since they were kids.

Cars are more dependable now and most drivers don’t ever lift the hood or know what goes on underneath.

Some folks feel that way about computers, too.

And sometimes I eat bacon.



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