Monday, April 22, 2013

What and why are different questions.

c0 Signpost that says who, what, where, how, whyI've had a number of people over the years tell me I will eventually change my beliefs.

This is most often an echo of their own journey rather than insight into mine.

But it is also invariably true. Our tastes evolve in everything, it's just a matter of extent.

Whether it's religion or romance or restaurants, there is always a honeymoon period, some indecision, rejection or recommitment, and long term affection, an attraction and comfort of the sort afforded by an old flannel shirt.

I think folks more often than not are pained by their own disaffection and project that on others.

(Projection was a big deal in 1970s, so forgive me if I'm dating myself.)



c0 This child just ate something she doesn't like.Just because most folks don't understand why they do something...

... doesn't eliminate the importance of what they are doing.

Children resist math in grade school, refuse vegetables at the supper table, and stumble over thank you and please and you're welcome. Men wear ties around important people. We shake hands with strangers. We obey the speed limit.

Telling the difference between what is practical, expedient, enriching, unnecessary, or unhealthy is another matter.

The point is that the what and the why are different questions.

(I had this thought while considering religious practices, but it applies to everything.)



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