Tuesday, May 13, 2014

For the record... (Donald Sterling and the Clippers)

c0 LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling with girlfriend Vanessa Stiviano
LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling with girlfriend Vanessa Stiviano
Donald Sterling's remarks (and more importantly the attitude that permitted them) are inexcusable.

I say that because it's not assumed anymore that a person isn't racist until they demonstrate otherwise; actually, we often assume the reverse, and I've been one of the first to criticize the silent majority for remaining silent when one of their members steps way over the line (Islamic terrorists, abortion clinic bombers, tree spikers, etc).

So, for the record, Sterling's remarks are deplorable and have no place in the NBA or anywhere else.

It's also an interesting commentary that the immediate context is handful of millionaires insulted by a billionaire.

That's not the context of race relations I grew up in.


Unqualified outrage seems to be the only acceptable public response, but we’re probably ignoring the fact that Sterling is an 81-year-old rich-as-God egotist who hasn’t had anyone near him say an honest word in years.

Am I saying we should excuse or minimize his comments?


I'm saying wealth and privilege are as much to blame for Donald Sterling’s obnoxious comments as his unfortunate view of people that are “not like Donald Sterling.”

I'm also reminding myself that many of those expressing unqualified outrage make their living by being outraged.




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