Friday, May 31, 2013

Sudden irregularities confuse children.

c0 Leonardo Da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man"
Click to enlarge: Leonardo Da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man"

In 7th grade biology class at Bethel Christian School (when it was on 737 East 26th St. in Erie, PA), we were asked to prepare a report on tree leaves. We collected them, cataloged them, ironed them between sheets of wax paper, and bound them together in reports. I suppose things are still done much the same way today.

The problem was, we weren't studying trees at the time or anything remotely related to trees. We didn't share, discuss, or otherwise use the leaves again. The assignment came out of nowhere, as though we hadn't met some sort of state requirement for 7th grade biology and needed something quick and easy to satisfy an audit.

I also wrote a report that same year criticizing evolution. I towed the company line and got a B for my efforts, if I recall correctly. The cover of my report was outstanding, if I do say so myself, sort of half man/half ape, a teenager's conflation of Da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" and Planet of the Apes.



O Happy Day

This was the weather report on my desktop on Tuesday May 28, 2103. I can't tell you how soothing that was to see. No kidding, like God had pulled a giant cozy flannel blanket over the earth.



Oh, by some incredible fluke, my 7th grade biology class credits transferred through a couple school changes into college credits. How in the world that happened, I don't know, but I got college credit for mutilating a worm and a frog in 7th grade.



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